About the Product

Runny Textures: 30 Transparent PNG Files Textures

Runny Texture is a collection of transparent PNG 30 abstract textures that feature heavy fresh handmade textures created with ink, oil, watercolor, and other mixed-media in the paper using an experimental method. Offering a wide variety of heavy textures to choose with high-quality detail in each texture. With a unique character inside the textures, they’ll work great in print or web graphics.

This texture is a great solution for you who wants to add instant depth and textures surface detail to design and art projects like packaging, merchandise, apparel, poster designs, text displays, marketing materials, stationery projects, greeting cards, social media imagery, backgrounds, fabric designs, art collage or anything else.

If you have a question, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I will reply as soon as possible. I also love to see what are you doing with my items, you can tag me @nicholasasmitaa on Instagram or maybe just send me PM if you like. Hopefully, these items can make your projects easier to achieve.

本站所有资源版权均属于原作者所有,这里所提供资源均只能用于参考学习用,请勿直接商用。若由于商用引起版权纠纷,一切责任均由使用者承担。更多说明请参考 VIP介绍。

最常见的情况是下载不完整: 可对比下载完压缩包的与网盘上的容量,若小于网盘提示的容量则是这个原因。这是浏览器下载的bug,建议用百度网盘软件或迅雷下载。 若排除这种情况,可在对应资源底部留言,或联络我们。

对于会员专享、整站源码、程序插件、网站模板、网页模版等类型的素材,文章内用于介绍的图片通常并不包含在对应可供下载素材包内。这些相关商业图片需另外购买,且本站不负责(也没有办法)找到出处。 同样地一些字体文件也是这种情况,但部分素材会在素材包内有一份字体下载链接清单。

